Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sleepy Hollow ..A little break from thesis

 I'm taking a character design class with Robert Dress(, who is extremely talented and a super cool guy. Ive learned so much in his class about what makes a character unique and unforgettable. As well as composition and dissecting a scene, and what elements make it great.
We have had an ongoing assignment revolving around the legend of sleepy hollow. A character layout, a map of sleepy hollow, and a scene from the story. I'm currently working on my scene, which portrays Ichabod about to meet his demise at the hands of the headless horseman. I handed in the inked and colored version to Rob and will post it as soon as I get it back. For now, below is the the thumbnail (4 field), rough drawing of the scene (12 field), and some other doodles I made while working on the piece.
If you seem to be confused.. The form of the headless horseman and his horse are on the horizon line, as he is throwing his head at Ichabod. Lastly, I took the photographs over a Halloween table cloth.. I thought it fitting.